British Sikh Report 2015
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The British Sikh Report (BSR) is the only strategic document of its kind, aimed at governmental bodies and national institutions alike, which draws attention to the aspirations of the British Sikh community across a range of areas. Compiled by a collective of British Sikh professionals and academics, it is based on quantitative research and will be used to help better understand and meet the various needs of the Sikh community.
It is anticipated that the report will assist non-Sikh organisations in working with the current British Sikh population on collaborative projects. Below are some of the key findings, for the full summary and detailed version please do download the report.
On the issue of Voting Intentions amongst British Sikhs for the General Election 2015.
In respect of the main political parties:
• 31% intend to vote Labour
• 16% intend to vote Conservatives
• only 1% intend to vote for the Liberal Democrats
In respect of the minor political parties:
• 3% intend to vote for UKIP
• 4% intend to vote for Greens
• 24% of Scottish Sikhs intend to vote for the SNP, making up 1% of all British Sikhs intending to do so
Other key points:
• A significant 35% of British Sikhs did not know which party they would vote for as of mid-January 2015
• 9% of British Sikhs do not intend to vote
On the topics of immigration and the EU.
• Two thirds of British Sikhs (67%) want the UK to remain in the EU
• 46% of British Sikhs are in favour of the UK remaining in the EU as long as there are reforms to the EU
• 42% of British Sikhs say that the UK is made a better place to live by immigration, as opposed to 32% who think that the UK is made worse by immigrants
• 62% of British Sikhs believe that the UK should give asylum to all people fleeing religious persecution abroad
• Over three-quarters of British Sikhs (76%) view the NHS positively or very positively, compared to 44% who say the same about the Royal Family and 28% in respect of Parliament.
As to which contemporary issues are most important for British Sikhs:
• 81% consider the NHS to be a very important issue facing Britain today
• 78% consider the economy to very important, and 77% say the same about education
• 13% of British Sikhs consider Defence to be not important at all, with 10% saying the same for Foreign Affairs
David Cameron, the Prime Minister, comments, “Sikhs have made an incredibly positive difference to the UK. One that is truly historic and enduring.”
Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister, comments, “The Sikh community in Britain has a long and proud history. The British Sikh Report 2015 allows politicians to learn more about how we build a stronger economy and a fairer society for the British Sikh community.”
Ed Miliband MP, Leader of the Opposition, comments, “I am delighted to send a message for the launch of the British Sikh
Report 2015. The British Sikh community here in the UK is an integral part of our society.”
The document was launched at a Parliamentary event on Thursday 12th March where MPs and others discussed the findings of the report.